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Request Custom Solutions Consultation

At Carlson Executive Education, we understand that organizations’ professional development needs vary. Whether you are looking for a highly-effective program that you can deliver quickly or a truly customized solution with original content, we can partner with you to find and deliver the right solution, driving maximum impact for your company. Request a free consultation with our team of experts to explore our unique learning and development programs for your organization.   

Carlson Executive Education Experience

The Carlson Executive Education experience is designed to immerse participants in the course topic and prepare them to return to their organizations with fresh energy and perspectives. Achieve your leadership and business skill development goals with expertise from the Carlson School of Management. Find flexible online and immersive in-person program formats that match your schedule and learning style. 

Executive Education Courses take 2-5 days to complete, not weeks or months. 

Make genuine connections with other business leaders tackling similar challenges.

Learn from world-class faculty from Carlson School of Management.

Apply principles and tactics to your work right away.


"Participating in Winnebago's LEAP program was a great opportunity to develop as a leader, discussing and collaborating around relative and very important topics that will help me, as a leader, contribute to the long-term success of Winnebago. This program allowed me to grow personally and professionally."

– Matt Kennedy, VP of Finance & IBP, Winnebago Industries 

© 2024 Regents of the University of Minnesota. All rights reserved. The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer. Privacy Statement

Custom solutions designed specifically 
for your needs

The Carlson Executive Education experience is designed to immerse participants in the course topic and prepare them to return to their organizations with fresh energy and perspectives. Achieve your career goals with expertise from the Carlson School of Management. Find leadership development programs that match your schedule and learning style.  

The Carlson Executive Education Experience

Executive Education programs take 2-3 days to complete, not weeks or months

Make genuine connections with other business leaders

Learn from world-class faculty at the Carlson School

Apply principles and tactics to your work right away

Where will your future take you?